Our development strategy is based on our research efforts, applied to separation and filtration techniques.
We believe that excellence and performance are the main guarantees of success for the scientific and industrial communities. This requirement in our strategy invites us to anticipate and constantly adapt our research to the new market dynamics, those that will make the world of tomorrow:
A safer, more sustainable world.
In a constantly changing economic context, with the increasing complexity of new technologies, we place all our resources, methods and capabilities for adaptation at your disposal, whether they be scientific, technical or financial.
Our research centre is constantly evolving to enable you to be at the forefront of innovation and to make the results of your projects known. Our role will be to constantly build bridges between the progress of knowledge and the development of your applications.
Our constant effort to be inventive and to improve our know-how, the technical nature of our testing facilities and our rigour are the basis of our fundamental values:
- The quest for excellence
- Openness to transdisciplinarity
- The exploitation of results for the benefit of industry.
- To be constantly attentive to the market in order to feed our reflections and make our products and offers evolve to remain one of the world leaders in the design and manufacture of test benches and the development of qualification methods for separation systems.
- CATALYSE innovation through scientific networking, the development of new applicable technologies, and meet your most demanding requirements.
- DEVELOP professional training courses with a high level of technical expertise on different themes and formulas, adapted to all profiles and needs.
- SUPPORTING all stages of your development project: from project definition to feasibility studies, prototyping and production, we are there to find the right solutions to serve your project.
We have the necessary tools to enable you to optimise your technical performance and the investment cost of your industrial equipment. We provide maintenance contracts that can follow your test equipment internationally, both in preventive and curative phases
Today, the needs of our clients and partners are constantly changing, implying a level of requirement and expertise that is at the heart of our concerns.
The independence of our work, the guarantee of quality, the level of scientific expertise of our studies, our results, our state-of-the-art testing facilities, have formed a solid basis of quality and have earned us several accreditations and recognitions:
Part of our activites are accredited by COFRAC, according to NF EN ISO/IEC 17025 (Full scope of accreditation availble at
On an ongoing basis, our clients approve our services according to their own standards, establishing IFTS as the preferred test platform for the qualification and control of their supplies or production.